Dialogue&Culture Organization incorporation with Mithra Organization for Yarshan Development and Culture celebrated Interfaith Harmony Week 2019 by organizing an event and gathering the representatives of Kakais, Zoroastrianism, Bahais, Christians, Ezidi, and Muslims all together in a dialogue meeting at Amna Suraka Building. The purpose behind choosing this place was because the place used to be a prison for torturing people who were trying to speak up for their rights and peace.
Now after so many years, people are using this building as embracing love peace, tolerance, and coexistence altogether. Next under the spotlight of many news and media, people with different religions and backgrounds shared their intentions about how to forgive, spread love and accept each other as human beings besides, a poem was read by a famous poem reader in the town explaining all the beauty that loving and accepting each other will give us, as well as for deciding to make this program a continuous program finally the program ended with reading a beautiful prayer by the Bahai’s believers for all the suffering human beings around the world.