“Protecting Education from Attack”

On May 28, 2022, the Dialogue and Culture Organization held the fourth workshop in its series of education seminars, titled “Protecting Education from Attack.”
The workshop’s speakers:
1.Dr Aras (Professor and Head of the Department of English-Jehan University)
2.Dr Pave Jamil, (Assistant Professor -Media Department-Sulaymaniyah University) 3. Sarwar, the director of The Martyrs School of Qrga

  1. Chra Ali (Director of the DCO Organization’s Women’s Platform)
  2. Professor Hoshmand Ata (International Tishk University Professor)

The following issues were discussed at the workshop:

1-The Education Dangers of Mother Tongue
2-Media literacy for children and families
3-Problems in the education sectors.
4-Civil Society Organizations’ Role in Education
5-The Impact of Politics on Education

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