International Zero Discrimination Day

On 1/3/2022, International Zero Discrimination Day, the Organization for Dialogue and Culture organized a panel entitled “Sulaymaniyah the Capital of Culture and Zero Discrimination” with the participation of representatives from several different nations in collaboration with the American corner of Sulaymaniyah and the Faculty of Islamic Sciences of the University of Sulaymaniyah and sponsored by Kurdsat Media Organization.
the participants of the panel were: Professor Dr. Ahmed Damir – lecturer at Tishk University – Turkish
Mr. Andreas Kaufman – ARI employee – Swiss
Dr. Misa Abbas – Professor at the University of Development- Arab
Mr. Bishop Jens Petzld – Bishop of the Sabunkaran Church- German
Dr. Mehdi Qadir Ahmad – Teacher at Islamic Sciences College، Sulaymaniyah University-Kurdish
The panel discussed the beautiful coexistence of different nations in Sulaymaniyah، without any national،, sectarian, or religious discrimination.

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