Each year on 25th of November the UN announces a 2 week period for activities and events related to combating violence against women as well as raising awareness of girls and women. This year dialogue and culture organization incorporated with Pary organization arranged an event for 2 days. The first day, it was at one of the crowdies Malls in Sulaymaniyah city (Family Mall) and the second day was at polytechnic university for university students. The event was planned to its smallest details in order to make some difference and make sure to send our message to the public in the right way. We designed a large photo frame on its surface there was a hashtag #IamAgainstViolence anyone who takes a photo behind the frame will prove to themselves, their families, and their community that they are against violence and they believe in gender equality. Many important people supported the event such as Sulaymaniyah Governor, Former deputies, presenters, Mollas, and academicians as well as great participation from the public.